Lesson Study Schedule
Acts 5 - 9
(Read ahead! Bring your Bible, questions and comments.)
Week Scripture Topic
1 Acts 5:33-42 Christians and "The Authorities"
2 Acts 6:1-7 Inequities in the Church
3 Acts 6:8-15 Encountering Opposition
4 Acts 7:1-53 Response to Opposition
5 Acts 7:54-60 Planting the Seed
6 Acts 8:1-8 Scattering the Seed
7 Acts 8:9-25 Ego and the Spirit
8 Acts 8:26-40 Following the Spirit
9 Acts 9:1-9 Seeing the Light
11 Acts 9:10-31 Loving the Enemy
12 Acts 9:32-42 Power in the Church