Lesson Study Schedule
(Read ahead! Bring your Bible, questions and comments.)
Week Topic
1 Introduction to book and chapter 1
2 Chapters 2-8 (focus: 2, 5, 6)
3 Chapters 7-12, 25-26 (Immanuel)
4 Chapters. 30-35 (focus: 30, 33, 35)
5 Chapters 36-39 (Hezekiah's story)
6 Introduction to second half and chapter 40
7 Chapters 41-48 (focus: 43)
8 Chapters 49-51 (focus: 50)
9 Chapters 52-53
10 Chapters 54-61 (focus: 58 and 61)
11 Chapters 62-66 (focus: 65 and 66)